Thursday 26 May 2016

What went down on the night Bobby Shmurda was arrested

For those with a close eye on Bobby Shmurda’s current situation, it’s been a series of one unfortunate development after another. From being denied bail seven times since he was arrested in December 2014 to trial dates being pushed back to watching members of his crew be sentenced to life in prison, things have been pretty grim for the rapper, who has been trying to remain optimistic.

In a new in-depth interview with GQSha Money, who was responsible for signing Shmurda to Epic Records, discusses details of the night in question that haven’t been brought to light previously.

Sha Money recounts his memory of the night in question at Quad Studios, where he recalls a conversation between himself and Shmurda.

“We had a little kind of like pep talk in the elevator,” Sha Money says. “I was like, ’Yo, Bobby, you gotta be careful. You need to tone it down, because all eyes is on you.” Shmurda, who was leaving the studio with his girlfriend around 2 a.m., told Sha, “I got you.”

A few moments later, Sha says his phone rang and it was Shmurda’s mother, who was questioning whether or not her son had been arrested. Sure enough, Sha saw footage on the security cameras confirming the crazy scene unfolding outside, with people trying to scatter and run from the cops.

“Some turned into Batman, some turned into Spider-Man, climbing the walls,” Sha continues. “Some tried to turn into Invisible Man and hid between walls.”

Shmurda was arrested for a slew of weapons, drug and conspiracy charges, in conjunction with the arrests of other members of his GS9 gang. The rapper pleaded not guilty. Fourteen other people were arrested that night, where prior to the chaos, Shmurda was playing some of his new music for close friends.

“I guess it was a going-away party, right?” Sha says. “Without evening knowing it.”

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