Monday 16 May 2016

Movie star, Wendell Pierce arrested after allegedly physically assaulting a Bernie Sanders supporter

The actor was arrested Saturday after allegedly physically assaulting a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Pierce struck up a conversation outside of his hotel in Atlanta with a couple at 3:30 in the morning, which ended up taking a violent turn after things got political.

Pierce is an open Hillary Clinton supporter and became upset after learning the woman he was speaking with didn’t share the same politic views he does.

According to the report, Pierce pushed the boyfriend and then went after his girlfriend, allegedly hitting her in the head and pulling her hair.

Following the incident, Pierce was arrested, booked for battery and released after posting a $1,000 bond.
While 3:30AM isn’t the most ideal time to get into a political debate, acting out violently is never the answer.

Hopefully Pierce learned his lesson. He has yet to publicly comment on the incident.

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