Monday 30 May 2016

A thief in Kanye's team broke into his creative studio and reportedly made off with a around $20,000 worth of equipment.

Someone reportedly broke into his creative studio and reportedly made off with a around $20,000 worth of equipment. Law enforcement received a call to Kanye's office in Calabasas on Tuesday because of the burglary. The door had been reportedly forced open and the robber made off with laptop and desktop computers.

According to TMZ, Kanye has already replaced the stolen gear, but even more troubling than the monetary loss is who might be behind the break-in.

Law enforcement has not identified any official suspects at the time, but Kanye's team reportedly believes this was an inside job. They think that the culprit was probably someone with direct knowledge of what was in the studio, and how much they could expect to make out with when they committed the crime.

Hopefully, it's just some hardware they were after and not what was actually on the machines.

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