Russell went on to share how much he loves singing. He loves it so much that his "moonwalk cuts the rug" when busting out the words to a Michael Jackson hit. Here's the lesson though: While it's important to believe in yourself, it's also necessary that you know yourself.

"Let me put it this way: I love singing Michael Jackson, I'm Michael Jackson's Tito. I'm Janet Jackson's long lost brother," he explained. "But no matter how badly I want to be a pop star, it would not matter how much self-confidence I had or have or how many hours I spend at the studio. Trust me on this. I cannot sing."

He continued, "So the question I asked when life told me no was: What am I capable of? Am I capable of doing what I want to do? I really had to think about it. And when it came to playing quarterback, the answer was yes."