Thursday 12 May 2016

Nicki Minaj Goes All The Way Off On Her Ex, Safaree On Twitter For Suing Her For Physical And Emotional Abuse During Their 12-Years Relationship

Just when you thought Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels were ready to move on from their toxic breakup, things just got even more poisonous.

Minaj is now claiming that her ex is suing her for emotional and physical abuse. The two dated for 12 years before making a split in August 2014, and while Nicki’s moved on with Meek Mill, it seems Safaree hasn’t let go, and decided to take his emotions to court.

Nicki Minaj is claiming that she was served with legal papers after Meek’s birthday and vented about it on Twitter. "Tweeted on the 5th that the 6th was my baby's bday. Celebrated on the 6th for his bday (publicly). Served w/a lawsuit on the 9th. Lol, she said, then continued, "Two years later this poor excuse of a man is suing me & claiming to have been physically & emotionally abused. Lol. He's so miserable."

If that wasn’t enough, Nicki also went on to say that Samuels only sued because he doesn’t want to work and that her and Meek requested that he cease contact to no avail.

"My man asked him to stop emailing me. I also asked him several times. This man can't move on. It's really sad. I have the emails to prove it," she added. "Calling my mother crying. I said I'd help. But as soon as meek asked him to stop emailing me it's a problem. LEAVE US ALONE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!"

It didn’t end there. Finally, Nicki Minaj made a pretty stunning revelation that Safaree conspired to steal money from her, which would in turn help land him a reality show.

"Like i can’t even celebrate my man b/day w/o this miserable son of a b**ch trying to extort me!" She continued during the Twitter rant. "Caught him stealing money and never prosecuted him!!!! Now I'm DOING IT. ENOUGH!!!!!!... Whatever isn't rightfully yours will become a curse once u have it. The money u leaches win in lawsuits will never bless u. It will curse u."

It’s interesting that Nicki decided to air all of this out on Twitter. Maybe she didn’t feel like fighting this battle by herself.

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