Wednesday 9 March 2016

Mocheddah writes a lovely tribute to her late dad who passed on nearly 10years ago...

Nigerian female rapper, singer and songwriter, Mocheddah, writes a sweet and lovely tribute in memory of her late father, Mr Julius Babatunde Ola who died nearly ten years ago.
Her words in the tribute expresses how much she really misses her dad, guess the father and daughter bond between them was very strong before his demise. Here was what she said to him...
"Hey daddy, I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, I miss your love, I miss your hugs, I miss our chats, I miss singing to you, I miss your beautiful heart. All this time has passed but I miss you still... It's almost 10years since you left and they say time heals but I haven't, I still feel the pain, that indescribable heart ache, that empty space... I carry you in my heart everyday and I ask myself 'what would daddy want me to do?' I hope I have made you proud of all I have done... I only  hope to be half the person you were, because no one, I mean no one can be as amazing as you, that's why God had to have you. I love you more than every and anything daddy... I'm sad you aren't here so all I have to do is to keep 'missing you'. Sleep well JULIUS BABATUNDE OLA... Love, dupy dupy".

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