Tuesday 15 March 2016

Caitlyn Jenner embraces Hillary Clinton, after branding her a 'f****** liar' who has done nothing for women

I'm with her: Caitlyn Jenner posted a photo Monday with her arm wrapped around Hillary Clinton (above with l to r: Candis Cayne, Clinton, Jenner, friend, Zackary Drucker)
It was a surprise therefore to see Jenner with her arm around Clinton in the photo she posted Monday.
Caitlyn Jenner posted a photo of herself and Hillary Clinton the day after she attacked the presidential hopeful during an episode of her reality show, I Am Cait.
Jenner said of Clinton on Sunday's episode of her show; 'What has she done in her life? What has she done? What has she done? She was horrible. Look at all of the things that are going on in the Middle East because of what she did. Look at Benghazi. She lied to us, she is a f***ing liar.'
She then added; 'She is a political hack, that's all she is, she has done nothing.'

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