Wednesday 15 June 2016

The Game Talks a Fan Out of Committing Suicide

A fan reached out to the 36-year-old rapper seeking his advice for working through suicidal thoughts and his response was impressively equal parts tough love, compassion and motivation. “If you kill yourself, you’re dumb,” Game wrote in his response to a fan asking for suggestions about how to combat suicidal thoughts. “Suck it up & get what you need to get done.. DONE !!!”

“We all have low points,” the rapper continued. “’Yes, we could kill ourselves n rid ourselves of the pain or stress, but f**k that… Only the strong survive !!!! So G the f**k up & overcome this obstacle so we can get back to living life baby girl !!!!!”

The Game then followed up with another dose of inspiration to further drive his point home.

“You’re black & beautiful & within the lines of those 2 words lies a STRENGTH that only u possess, so be the QUEEN u are & as a wise man once said ‘KEEP YA HEAD UP.’”
The best part? The Game shared that his words really resonated with the fan, checking back in the following day to share an update that the young woman was already off to seeing brighter days thanks to his advice.

“Last two days I've been really checking my DM’s….,” he shared in another post. “Yesterday a young woman who was contemplating suicide, reversed her thoughts & even though her problems didn't magically disappear over night... She woke up today with a more positive outlook on her life & to me that's dope because sometimes all it takes is a little push in a happier direction from someone who cares... Glad I could be that for her……”

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