Wednesday 15 June 2016

Alligator drags 2-year old child into lagoon at Disney hotel

Search is on-going to find a 2-year-old boy who was attacked by an alligator and dragged into a lagoon at a Disney hotel near Orlando.The child was "wading just in the water along the lake's edge at the time that the alligator attacked". "The father actually went into the water to wrestle his son from the grips of the alligator," he said. The father suffered minor scratches on his hand, but was unsuccessful in getting his son back.
The mother also went into the water, but did not wrestle the alligator. She was trying to find her child.
"The sad reality of it is it's been several hours and we're not likely going to recover a live body" and  there is no record of similar incidents in this particular area.
The family of four, parents, the boy and his 4-year-old sister arrived Sunday on vacation from Nebraska.
"Everyone here at the Walt Disney Resort is devastated by this tragic accident," Disney said.
No reports of nuisance alligators have come in the region recently. The alligator is between 4 and 7 feet long.

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