Wednesday 15 June 2016

Lil Wayne’s seizures was caused by Drugs from partying hard the night before

As reported, the 33-year-old rapper was traveling to California when his private plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Nebraska so that he could receive medical attention. According to several sources, Weezy is doing much better and thankfully is now in stable condition.

While the rapper has in the past publicly stated that he suffers from epilepsy, footage of the rapper drinking large quantities of cough syrup the night before is building the case his drug use played a significant factor in his recent health scare.

Witnesses alleged that Weezy handled five 16-ounce bottles of Codeine syrup, personally downing a significant amount himself. According to one person in attendance during the Wayne’s club appearance in Milwaukee, the rapper went through at least three bottles and continued to indulge during an after-party.

Lil Wayne suffered a series of seizures in 2013, resulting in the rapper coming forward to say that he had quit drinking the party concoction known as lean or sizzurp that he ironically helped popularize. As reported, the rapper started diving back into his old habits earlier this year.

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