Monday 24 August 2015

DID YOU KNOW....That you can detect if your watermelon is ripe without cutting it?

  Nowadays  we get to see truckloads of watermelon rolling into our cities on daily basis, well I guess it's because so many people have in one way or the other come in contact with this wonderful fruit and have a beautiful story to tell about it. Watermelon is known for its benevolence in highly nutritious and medicinal benefits which includes its ability to fight inflammations, its effect in boosting sexual health, its high vitamin contents, to mention a few .You will however agree with me that one of the challenges faced trying to savour this refreshing fruit is differentiating between a ripe and juicy one from either the unripe one or the spoilt one...This is therefore for the lovers of this unbelievably nutritious fruit.

How to know if your watermelon is truly ripe;
1) It should weigh more than it's size.
2) A ripe water melon gives a hollow bass sound when tapped.
3) A ripe watermelon fruit has a very smooth rind and a dull top.

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