Sunday 13 September 2015

Al Qaeda leader calls on young Muslim men in the US and the West to copy Boston Bombers and Charlie Hebdo killers with more homegrown attacks.

Homegrown attacks: Terror leader Ayman al-Zawahiri (pictured in 2013) makes the call to arms in an audio recording that was posted online on Sunday
The leader of Al-Qaeda delivered a sinister message to young Muslim men in the United States and other Western countries, encouraging them to carry out attacks in their home countries.
Terror leader Ayman al-Zawahiri makes the call to arms in an audio recording that was posted online on Sunday.
He also urges militant groups across the world to establish a greater unity in their Jihad. Read what he said after the cut...

‘I call on all Muslims who can harm the countries of the crusader coalition not to hesitate,’ he said in the recording, referring to the nations making up the Western-led coalition in Iraq and Syria.
'We must now focus on moving the war to the heart of the homes and cities of the crusader West and specifically America.' 

He suggests that Muslim youths take their inspiration from Tsarnaev and the Kouachi brothers, who carried out the Boston marathon bombings and the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris respectively.
It was not clear when the audio recording was made, but references to former Taliban leader Mullah Mohamed Omar as being alive suggest it is at least two months old.
Omar’s death was announced by the Afghanistan government in late July. 
Zawahiri reiterated his position on Islamic State, repeating what he said in a recording posted on Wednesday that he viewed the group’s claim to be a caliphate as illegitimate but would join them in fighting Western and secular forces in Iraq and Syria. 
Terror leaders: Ayman al-Zawahiri (right) sits with his predecessor Osama bin Laden (left), to whom he acted as adviser, in March 2004
Ayman al-Zawahiri (right) sits with his predecessor Osama bin Laden (left), to whom he acted as adviser, in March 2004

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